This was a great opportunity for me to challenge myself and branch out and meet other professionals in my area. I really don’t know anyone in Kansas besides my coworkers and the few friends that I graduated with that still live nearby. This event allowed me to meet some great people who work at other firms in the same area as me. It also gave me the opportunity to give a public presentation while I am still somewhat familiar with how to speak in front of people! Trust me when I say I do not particularly enjoy giving speeches or presentations. I am quiet and shy and I can get very nervous. However, I feel that it’s a great skill to have and a skill that will get you far in this profession if you can pull it off. Considering this presentation was diligently structured by the Pecha Kucha style (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide) I figured I could handle the 6 minute-40 second ordeal. So I did and it was actually a lot of fun!
Here is a small sample of things I spoke about during my presentation that represent “What Inspires Me”:
Downtown Lawrence and the Lawrence Community.
Bruce Mau and Philippe Starck, two fascinating and brilliant designers.
Children and volunteer work.
The Earth and sustainable practices.
The creative process of movie production, especially Tim Burton's films!
Anyone care to share with me what inspires them?
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