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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Next Chapter

I have been somewhat of a dead-beat blogger lately. Well...I've been a little preoccupied...

I am now 6 months pregnant and expecting a baby GIRL in May! I couldn't be happier about starting my family at this time in my life. My husband and I just felt that this was the right time for us - and the right time is because we're ready and didn't want to wait any longer! Of course we could always come up with an excuse to put off having kids for a while but when we projected out on those terms, we were afraid would never feel ready. Our careers are never going to stop, open a window, and spell out now is your time. If we wait for this thing I've heard people refer to as financial security, well then it would probably be beyond scientifically possible for us to have children! So now is the time.

The next big question is how will I manage being a new mother and juggle a new career? I'm confident that I'll be able to manage it. I expect there will be difficulties along the way, but I'm prepared. In some respects, I feel like all those years of architecture school may have given me the self-discipline I'll need to tackle this next part of my life! Maybe the sleep deprivation I suffered through 7 years of college was better training for being a new parent than being an architect? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terra! Baby is looking good :) Was fun seeing you at Ashley's baby shower!
